April 21, 2010 /

tuffi is a firefly now

We had to say good bye to our “first born” on monday.  We were lucky.  He was only sick for a few days and never really suffered; but it was not easy to let him go.

tuffi wasn’t just special.  He was famous.

He was happiest running on the beach in Little Cayman.  So we made a spot for him beside the path on our lot in Bloody Bay.  He will be warm and happy there.

Then we sat in the dark  and watched the stars.  There are no street lights now so the night sky is amazing.  Suddenly (the first time I’ve ever seen one in my 28 years here) a lightning bug appeared and flew right past our faces and down the path… then came back and flew only inches from our noses for the second time.  It reminded me how tuffi used to run up and down the path smiling at us.  The only lightning bug we saw that night and the only one I’ve seen in the Cayman Islands.  Ever!  What do you think?


Tuffenough was so special, us peripheral family will miss him too! God speed Tuff!

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